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Ovulation Tracking : The Key To Fertility Road


It’s understandable to most of us when we have our periods, accurate? Pretty noticeable and can hinder our style. But ovulation induction is not so clear. As per investigation and studies, ovulation is when a mature egg is discharged from the ovary, forced down the fallopian tube, and is made available to be fertilized. But to ensure Fertility, If Ovulation Tracking is done strictly half the battle is won.

Understanding The Ovulation Tracking Cycle

On average, ovulation occurs about 12 to 16 days following the first day of one’s last period. But ovulation isn’t forever on the same day of the month and its routine is different for everyone. As you presumably suspected, a female is remarkably fertile during ovulation — after all, the egg is jutting out and waiting to be fertilized by a sperm. Whether you’re trying to conceive, check pregnancy, or become more intimate with your cycle, tracking ovulation can assist you adequately learn when a female is most likely to get pregnant during her cycle. So, ovulation tracking can be a plan and contraception tool.

When Should You Try To Conceive?

For females, if they are trying to conceive, the study says the egg is in the fallopian tube for about 12 to 24 hours as an egg can last for about a day after ovulation and sperm can survive in the vagina for about six days after one has sex. A female is considered fertile for approximately seven days of every menstrual cycle. Comprehending precisely when you ovulate will help you identify this roughly week-long time window when you’re most inclined to get pregnant, so you can plan to have sex on these fertile days.

This timing knowledge is important if you’re trying to check pregnancy, too. In this instance, you can use different forms of birth check method such as a condom or refrain from sex on the five days before ovulation, on the day itself, and a couple of days post ovulation when you are considered as most fertile. On other times throughout the month, you can have sex without a method of contraception and it’s true you’ll not get pregnant as there’s no egg in your fallopian tube ready to be fertilized when you’re not ovulating.

How Can I Know When I’m Ovulating?

Luckily, recognizing when you’re ovulating doesn’t need blazing a flashlight up your vagina in search of something that matches an egg. Your body gives you straightforward evidence when you’re ovulating.

Your basal body temperature (BBT) is the most profound in 24 hours. It’s the analysis you’ll get if you take your temp right when you rise, even before you get out of bed. When you ovulate, the temperature generally goes up by about .5 to 1.0 degree and it’ll linger that way until the period lasts. It’s not something you’d notify on your own, but by consistently practicing and reading the BBT every day, you’ll possibly notice a model.

It’s also possible to keep a check of the cervical mucus to identify when one is ovulating. The cervical mucus is the liquid secreted from the cervix that’s designed to escort those good sperm up the reproductive tract.


If you are looking for Ovulation induction treatment in Delhi because you ovulate irregularly, try meeting Dr. RK Sharma for the best possible solution.

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