There is a common mistake most of the infertile couples make is waiting too long in getting pregnant. Infertility is a couple’s tension and not just the woman alone. About 40% of the cause of infertility is blamed on the women. Another 40% is blamed on male infertility factors. Five percent is shared by the two couples and the remaining 5% is said to be due to unknown factors. Now, to get pregnant is a natural process and anytime a couple is labeled 'infertile', there is a problem. The major reason is that Western medicine and their fertility doctors have a little solution for infertility sufferers. In the west, fertility doctors are limited to harmful drugs, invasive procedures, and aggressive surgery. For instance, fertility drugs like clomiphene citrate (Clomid) is associated with ovarian cysts and cancer. Clomid can be caused by multiple pregnancies and deformed babies if they work at all.
Common Causes Of Hormonal Imbalance
Another cause of infertility and perhaps the most important is a hormonal imbalance. The reproductive hormones are FSH, LH, Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Hormonal imbalance is the underlying cause of all other secondary causes of infertility like fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, irregular periods, heavy periods or lack of menses. This is because there is a maxim in allopathic medicine that says, “for any symptoms (infertility in this case) or symptom complex, there is always an imbalance behind it." Of all these hormones mentioned above, estrogen dominance relative to progesterone stands out as the greatest cause of infertility. This is because of all sources of estrogen in the environment and it gets worse by the day. These include zenoestrogens, plant estrogens, and mycoestrogens.
On the other side of the coin, far too many infertile women have low progesterone. Remember that progesterone is the hormone of pregnancy. It is a derivative of term pro-gestation meaning ‘for pregnancy’. So you must raise the level of progesterone and balance it with a normal level of good estrogen-like estriol to get pregnant. Hormonal imbalance is a key infertility factor that orthodox obstetricians have failed to address. Natural pregnancy remedies can solve this situation and combat the way for the infertile woman to get pregnant.
Steps To Combat Female Infertility
here are some steps you need to take to combat female infertility, stop estrogen dominance as you balance your hormones, get pregnant and have healthy babies.
The infertile woman must keep in mind to avoid all junk, processed, devitalized and chemicalized foods. Eat organic non-estrogenic foods where possible. Any food that can enhance fertility can cure infertility. “Anything that can help to prevent the disease can cure it,” says Dr. Benard Jensen. Therefore, avoid foods like soybeans, commercial vegetable oils, flaxseed, carrots, dioxins, organophosphates, stored nuts, and bread contaminated with myco-estrogens.
Now comes fertile food supplementation. For you to balance your pregnancy hormones, and regularize your period, you need a systemic enzyme blend containing Nattokinase and Serrapeptase. These enzymes work best with myosin which blocks estrogens at their receptor sites in the ovary, uterus, thyroid and fat cells. Myomin also prevents the aromatization of testosterone back to serious estrogen. Myosin also helps the detoxification work of the liver and cleans out the blood while regulating the immune system.
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